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Product Details
Rockinsul RB slabs are semi-rigid and rigid boards manufactured from stable rock fibers bonded with a minimum quantity of thermosetting resin binder. ROCKINSUL RB slabs are capable of withstanding extreme temperatures up to 750 °C and are lightweight, strong, resilient, easy to handle, and easy to cut to suit intricate shapes.
Working temperature Fiber: Up to 750 °C Facing: 100 °C At temperatures in excess of 230 °C, a limited migration of binder may occur in the insulation in contact with the hot face. This does not impair the insulation performance.
Acoustic performance
Rockinsul RB Slabs achieve excellent acoustic performances (sound absorption coefficients, sound insulation, and impact sound isolation) when tested in accordance with various relevant ASTM standards. RB Slabs achieve Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) values up to 1 when tested in accordance with ASTM C423.
Fire safety performance unfaced Rockinsul RB Slabs are non-combustible when tested in accordance with IS 3144, BS 476 (part 4), ISO 1182, and ASTM E136 and are classified as Class A1 in accordance with European norms. Unfaced, FSK, and ALG-faced RB Slabs have the following fire safety rating achievements: Class 1 surface spread of flame in accordance with BS 476 (part 7) Class 0 in accordance with BS 476 (part 6 & 7) and British Building Regulations. Surface burning characteristics in accordance with ASTM E84 / UL 723 a: Fire Spread Index: Less than 25 b: Smoke Developed Index: Less than 50.