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Product Details
Twiga Insul Preformed Pipe Sections, designed for easy and rapid “snap-on” installation are a single-piece molded insulation made from shot-free, non-combustible glass fibers bonded together with a high-temperature resistant binder for pipe diameter from 20 mm NB to 300 mm NB. The section is available with / without factory-laminated aluminum foil facings.
Twiga Lamella Mats are made from glass fiber wedges laminated with aluminum foil. Lamella Mats are compression resistant (maintain thickness at bends), easy to handle, and suitable for large pipes of diameter from 300 mm NB and above.
Twiga Insul Pipe Sections and Lamella Mat are suitable for thermal and acoustic insulation :
Heating and hot water services pipe.
Steam pipes up to 230° C with bare pipe section.
BS 476 part 7- Class 1 – surface spread of flame Nil.
Chilled water and cold-water services pipe.
Features & Benefits
Green building material: Low embodied energy, zero ozone depleting potential, Minimum VOC.
Fire safe: Non combustible, Does not emit toxic fumes.
Excellent thermal resistance at low cost (low thermal conductivity).
Low cost: Easy and fast to install.
Non corrosive to metal: No shot content / impurities.
Non hygroscopic.
Resistant to chemicals, oil, fungus, bacteria, rot, and vermin attack.
Architectural Specification
The glasswool insulating material shall be applied for chilled/ hot water pipes as under.
Glasswool insulating material shall be applied for chilled/ hot water pipes as under. The rigid pre-formed moulded sections of glasswool having a uniform density of 80±15% Kg/m3 and thermal conductivity shall not be more than 0.030 W/m.K at 25° C mean temperature also shall confirm IS 9842. The material for piping insulation shall be factory laminated one side with Aluminium foil on the outside. The Aluminium foil shall extend by a minimum 50 mm on one side of the pipe section along the length to seal all longitudinal joints. Bonding of insulation material shall be with a cold setting compound.
The thickness of insulation material shall be selected as per diameter of pipes.