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Insultherm® Polyolefin (XLPE) closed cell cross-linked insulation foam with excellent properties in terms of condensation control, long term thermal performance and sound absorption. The insulation as a standard sandwich product composed of foam, foil and self-adhesive backing. Other combination are available as per customer requirement. Insultherm® Polyolefin (XLPE) Cross-linked foam is extremely fine-celled, It is a light, durable material having excellent shock-absorbing and heat insulating properties. It absorbs very little water and is highly resistant to weather and chemicals. Easy to fabricate in various ways and handy to use.
Insultherm® Polyolefin (XLPE) foam finds many applications in industrial, home and building Insulation like Chilled Water Piping, Ducting, Water Pipe, Condensate Water, Cold Water Insulation, Acoustic Insulation and Ideal for projects and applications that require thicker foam. With a smooth, pleasant feel combined with superior physical and chemical properties, with its closed-cell density.
Insultherm® Polyolefin (XLPE) insulation materials have been approved by reputed consultants with excellent technical compliance that exceeds/meets all of the requirements of ASTM E84 and Insultherm® Polyolefin (XLPE) passed the concentration limits of combustion gases as per BS 6853 and IMO MSC 61 (67) 1996, Annex, Part 2.