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Product Details
Orthos electronically monitored security interlocks meet the most exacting security requirements and offer optimum protection for the sensitive areas of a building. The required safety levels are provided individually: from the authorisation of staff access by a card reader or code keyboard to verification of identity using biometric systems in the interior of the lock.
Security interlocks can be equipped with a range of different resistance classes, biometric verification, weight checking, or one or two-zone contact mats.
Key features of Orthos security interlocks
A second person can be detected in the interior of the lock by the incorporation of contact mats or a weighing system. Additional biometric identification systems in the interior help to identify users and rule out misuse.
The Orthos product range also includes the modular PIL-M02 Channel for use in airports at airside-landside crossover points. The modular Orthos PIL-M02 Security Interlock only allows passage in one direction. Different security levels are possible depending on the configuration selected.
Orthos PIL round or cubic Personal Interlocks
Orthos PIL-M02 One-Way Corridor
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