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Product Details
Since 2006, Armacell has manufactured foam- Thermal insulation products made with Microban® antimicrobial product protection – the first foam insulation maker to do so. ArmaFlex Class 0 Plus products are engineered to be used as liners inside ventilation ducts to help prevent the growth of bacterial mold. Specifiers, building owners, and contractors should choose Armacell insulation with Microban technology because of its ability to inhibit the growth of mold and mildew on the surface of the insulation.
Microban® is a registered trademark of Microban Products Company. Microban antimicrobial product protection is limited to the product itself and is not designed to protect the users of these products from disease-causing microorganisms, foodborne illnesses, or as a substitute for normal cleaning and hygiene practices. Microban International, Ltd. makes neither direct nor implied health claims for the products containing Microban® antimicrobial product protection. Data, photomicrographs, and information presented are based on standard laboratory tests and are provided for comparative purposes to substantiate antimicrobial activity for nonpublic health uses. Highly flexible, closed-cell insulation material with high water vapour diffusion resistance and low thermal conductivity and built-in anti-microbial protection