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Whether it’s your family, home or office – security is essential. DORMA multipoint locking systems provide multiple protection against intruders with high-quality primary and lateral locks.
Multipoint locking system 840 series
The 840 series combined with the DORMA range of cylinders ensures an especially high level of security.
Anti-crack protection
The deadbolt system causes a high anti-crack protection. The engaged lock is additionally blocked by torque transmission and deadbolt blocking rod. This way, the deadbolt is secured against the rear wall of the lockcase. At an upward force equivalent to one metric ton the deadbolt will break but the security pins will locate in the locking pockets within the plate integrated in the lockcase. Thus, the deadbolt and case are rendered rigid. Finally, deadbolt retraction into the lockcase is prevented by the relocation of its pivot point, causing interference with the forend.
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