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Product Details
Twiga introduces advanced building insulation for exterior applications like over-deck, flat roof, and wall. Manufactured under the license of ISOVER Saint-Gobain, France, the crimped wool has improved insulation and load-bearing features. The crimping technology improves at least 25% higher compressive strength after curing through a high-temperature oven. When compared with standard fiber insulation products, Twiga CR boards are strong, durable, and more sustainable even under foot traffic load.
Product Specification
Brand name: Twiga CR boards
Product code: Twiga CR-75, 50 mm
Material: Crimped glasswool insulation
Thermal resistance > 1.3 m2.K/W
Thermal conductivity < 0.038 W/m.K
Supply and installation of Twiga CR boards over the roof application with a waterproofing system. The insulation thickness needs to be decided in line with the required overall U-value of the roof built-up assembly.
The roof surface needs to be dry and clean, not particularly smooth but smooth enough so that insulation slabs should not be dispositioned or moved. The insulation boards need to be staggered and closely butted.
The insulation is overlaid with a waterproofing membrane. High-performance bitumen membrane systems are fully bonded in hot bitumen to the tissue, should be applied on the Twiga CR boards using traditional roll and pour methods. The insulation is not suitable for the direct application of torch-on roofing felts.
The final finish can be done with a metal mesh and 50 mm concrete screed.